Math Evolver – Virus Origin
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Software Details |
Brand: TOPICS Entertainme.. | Media: CD-ROM | Hardware Platform: PC | Operating System: Windows 2000 |
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MATH EVOLVER is pre-algebra learning for the generation. Unlike other learning programs, Evolver applies the latest in 3D video gaming technology to create an immersive, entertaining, program that covers standards-based high impact educational objectives as defined by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). By completing ¿missions¿ in a virtual education gaming environment, kids learn pre-algebra concepts they need to succeed in school. Delivered in a stunning first person, action adventure video game format, kids are impressed with the graphics and action, parents and teachers are impressed with the skills it teaches. What teachers are saying¿. “The biggest problem we have with the program is that students don¿t want to stop playing ¿ our summer school students wanted to keep going!¿ Dr. Jim Wohlgehagen, Secondary Mathematics Coordinator, Plano Independent School District President, Texas Assn. of Supervisors of Mathematics (TASM).
Windows Vista, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Mission: Stop the virus from spreading. Solution: You, your gaming skills and brainpower.
![]() Dodge, Jump, and Neutralize. Boss Guardians require extra skill to defeat. |
![]() Using Prime Nautilus shells, work your way through the maze that is Xeno Island. |
![]() Along the adventure, gain access to the Cruiser–a hovercraft that flies at incredible speeds. |
Xeno Island
Enter a world where nature and technology came together, with most unpleasant results. Sharpen your math skills as you unlock the secrets of the abandoned laboratory.
Virus Origin
Breaking into a deserted research facility is just your first job as part of a skilled team determined to discover what happened in the secret Xeno Island research facility.
Once inside, things quickly get exciting as you fend off creatures left behind to protect the lab's secrets.
Your math knowledge expands as you crack the codes needed to enter the lab and expose the bizarre research that led to the island's sudden abandonment.
Parents' Mission: Get Kids Learning Math
By completing “missions” in a virtual education gaming environment, kids learn pre-algebra concepts they need to succeed in school. Delivered in a stunning first person action adventure video game format, kids are impressed with the graphics and action, parents and teachers are impressed with the skills it teaches.
Challenges come in an exciting video game format that entertains as it educates. All skills covered correlate to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) as well as various state standards, and target key objectives covered on state tests.
Kids' Mission: Stop the Virus from Spreading
Daughter of a brilliant scientist, Darienne Clay finds herself shipwrecked at sea after a university research vessel meets with disaster. Luckily, she washes up on the shores of an abandoned island. While searching the island, she stumbles upon the reason the island is abandoned. A military biotech experiment went awry, infecting the island with bizarre creatures seemingly fused from nature and technology. Now, the 'experiment' threatens to spread into the ocean.
Darienne assembles a team of crack scientists and inventors for a return to Xeno Island to search for clues and a way to end the threat. As part of that team, you'll need your gaming skills and brainpower to crack the codes protecting the virus and its origins.
In Missions 1–5, you and the team land on the island and try to decipher the mysteries found around every corner. You must break the code to bypass a security system and access the Research and Development Facility. Using math skills that grow as you investigate the island, you'll check energy readings, crack codes, strap on a jet pack, and fly through the trees.
![]() Darienne and her team need to stay focused. Guardians are lurking around every corner watching for you. |
![]() Use your helmet visor to uncover the math underlying objects. |
Skills Covered
About the Developer
Tabula Digita is an educational video game company focused on delivering innovative and effective educational games to students and institutions. Through its fusion of education and technology-based immersive learning systems, Tabula Digita successfully offers standards-based, high impact educational tools that engage middle and high school students in learning and applying pre-algebra and algebra 1 concepts.
In 2006 Tabula Digita received both the Macworld Editor's Choice Award and the Mouse Awards. In 2007 the company received the prestigious “Newcomer of the Year” CODiE Award from the Software Industry Information Association [SIIA], for “offering a product that has the potential for significant impact on students and teachers.”
10 & Up
ESRB Rating
E 10+ for Mild Fantasy Violence
More Details |
Publisher: Topics Entertainme.. | Category: Math | Binding: CD-ROM |
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