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Price: $24.90

(as of 2016-12-26 18:00:25 PST)

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Released: 2013-02-13

ArtRage 4 [Download] by Ambient Design

Software Details

Brand: Ambient Design Media: Download Hardware Platform: PC Operating System: Windows 10

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ArtRage 4 50% off! Buy ArtRage 4 on sale and get 50% off when upgrading to ArtRage 5 in 2017 (save 19% off the full price of ArtRage 5).

ArtRage 4 features the best color mixing and digital oils around, automatically detecting paint thickness on canvas, the amount and type of paint on your brush, the canvas texture, and the colors, then blends realistically with ArtRage's unique Real Color Blending feature.

Along with our very popular oils, ArtRage 4 includes a full range of traditional tools, including highly realistic watercolors, pencil and airbrush that let you use live tilt with supported Wacom styluses, a thick oil, five different palette knife shapes, wax and chalk pastels that let you mimic crayon or charcoal, a felt pen that mimics art pens and copic markers, an ink pen with an auto-smoothing function for clean outlines and flowing calligraphy, a paint roller, Gloop pen (which acts like a gel pen with liquid ink), an eraser, and glitter for fun effects and creative textures.

Every tool has a full range of real world based settings, allowing you to tweak as you draw and create exactly the right brush or pen. Adjust the angle, bristle stiffness, amount of paint and brush shape, then save your own custom presets. Or make use of the default presets that come included with the program.

ArtRage 4's customizable canvas grains interact with the paint, allowing you to import and create the perfect papers and canvas backgrounds.

While the natural media is what most people pick ArtRage up for, that's not all it does. Along with the real world painting and drawing tools, ArtRage features a full range of powerful digital art tools.

The Sticker Spray allows you to use and create an almost limitless variety of advanced custom brushes, and allows you to import PSD .abr brushes. Create your own sticker brushes from your own drawings for effects like fur, the perfect impasto brush, or random scattered trees, or download brushes from other ArtRage users.

The Scripts feature lets you record your painting process and play it back later at any resolution you want, which makes it easy to create enormous canvases, or screen capture records.

ArtRage also includes a full range of select and transform options, solid, gradient and pattern Fill, a cloner tool, symmetry, a grids feature, and is full compatible with Photoshop filters and Layer Blend Modes. Along with the standard blend modes, ArtRage also offers the unique Watercolor blend mode, which creates a realistically translucent dried watercolor effect.

Along with all those features, ArtRage's tracing and handy reference functions are accessible and useful, allowing users to import images to refer to, and the Stencils act as easy masks that can be scaled, flipped and saved. You can also mix up paint on a handy Scraps canvas, and pin up different Views of your picture as you work, so you can keep an eye on the composition while you tweak the details.

ArtRage 4 allows import and export of PDD (with text, blend modes and layers), PNG, BMP, JPG, TIFF and GIF.

More advanced features include the ability to switch to compact Workbench mode or clear the screen entirely, being able to compile a list of resource and tool shortcuts in the Toolbox, an enormous range of customizable keyboard commands, unlimited layers, and support for advanced Wacom stylus features and individual stylus recognition.

ArtRage also comes as Android and iOS mobile apps, which feature consistent interfaces and behaviour, and produce paintings that are fully compatible with the desktop edition.

ArtRage 4 includes a comprehensive PDF manual, access to reliable email support, a friendly user forum and a website with tutorials and additional resources.

The licence allows unlimited downloads of both Mac OSX and Windows PC editions from the ArtRage member area. Registration is optional.

ArtRage 4 is compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10, and Mac OS and later. A Windows XP version without some of the most recent features can be downloaded from the ArtRage member area on registering an ArtRage 4 licence.

Interface languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Russian. Manual in English.

PC Minimum System Requirements: PC Recommended System Requirements:
  • Processor:   1GHz
  • RAM:   512MB
  • Hard Disk:   100MB
  • Video Card:   1024 x 768 screen resolution
  • Supported OS:   Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7
  • Additional Requirements:   Windows XP compatible downloads of ArtRage 4.0.6 available directly from with an ArtRage 4 licence.
  • Processor:   3Ghz
  • RAM:   8GB


Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8

Product Features

  • A full artist's kit of realistic traditional art tools
  • Easy to use for all ages, accessible interface and approachable design
  • Refined by ongoing feedback from real world artists
  • Powerful, professional features, 64-bit support and Photoshop compatibility
  • Software licence includes lifetime licence for both Windows PC and Mac OSX

More Details

Category: Illustration Binding: Software Download Language: Dutch

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